I think God is trying to communicate with him/her/itself, and there are, on this planet, about three and a half billion transceivers walking around [in 1968], babbling to each other constantly, trying to carry the circuit load for the incredible conversation of God talking to God. MNC18
There’s something that’s trying to be said, too, and so we have to talk and we have to listen, as well as listen when we talk, in order to discover what it is that’s being said around here. I think actually that all of us here on the planet are talking about the same thing all the time, and the conversations ranges from Holy and peaceful to hellish and violent. We’re all having that conversation — and sometimes when you’re real high, if you just shut up and listen, you’ll hear all of your thoughts worked out between the people around you who are talking. How many people have felt that experience? [A lot of raised hands.] Isn’t that far out? You don’t have to say a thing. Just pay attention and it happens for you. That’s kind of what God is doing. MNC19
[It sounds funny to hear myself use this word God. It makes me want to be sure that you don’t think I mean a giant curly-bearded Englishman in a white nightgown or someone behind a one-way mirror outside the universal manifestation, who looks in where we are and says, Zap that one! He bugs me. What I mean is the gestalt result of all our selves in concert. 2005] MNC19
[Can we change destiny?] Of course. You’re supposed to change destiny. That’s what we do; we’re all in agreement here about that. MNC48
We also agree about sharing out the karma. Rather than becoming those kinds of magicians who are going to try to get better karma than they’ve got coming, by trying to manipulate and move the karma, most of the people who come here on one level or another say, “Okay, I’ll buy in behind all the fair systems of karma-sharing – whatever it is. Win or lose – whatever it is.” MNC48
That’s what I think is meant when the Muslims say, “The will of Allah.” Allah’s will is the agreement that we all make. MNC48
God and the spirit, and that sort of stuff must be apprehended through feeling, which is to say that you can’t apprehend the Deity by Aristotelian logic. Thank God. MNC69
[Is there a devil?] If you want. There’s anything you want. [But not objectively! 2005] There are certain structural things that happen. The old thing of the yang and the yin is also like the two fish of the Pisces thing. One of those Pisces fish is Christ, but the other one of those Pisces fish is the Devil, and they go together, just like a yang and a yin. You can say, “Okay, I’ll check in at any old level and put it all on continuums.” That’s what I do a lot of the time, but sometimes, if I am thinking in a Christian mode, I need a Christ, and when I need a Christ, I have a devil, too. But I don’t always. It just depends on what I need at the time. But sometimes you’ve got to say, if you’re going to maintain a thing, you’ve got to have two poles. It takes two poles to maintain anything. [It is not necessary to postulate an intelligent negative pole. 2005] MNC99
If you meet the devil, don’t say he isn’t a nice guy, don’t get uptight with him. Shift your valences with him and remember that you and him are what is keeping this thing going. Because, if you see the devil, you are usually on pretty strong at the time. It puts you in a funny place. So when you look at him, be cool with him. MNC102
That’s the trip, and that’s what makes the yin and yang work, man, is love – at that level, love, existing between positive and negative. The thing that I was doing about having Christ and the devil wasn’t making a dichotomy, I was saying that they go together – those two fish in the Piscean symbol itself are those two, Christ and the devil. MNC102
And the devil is merely a pole, an electrical energy relationship, and the heavier he is, the heavier Christ is, and vice versa, and the heavier they both are, the heavier the whole scene is. Like it is possible to have a universe with a fairly small Christ and a fairly small devil. Or you could have the universe with great big ones. Or you can get into a lot of dichotomy things, like Christianity is one of the few religions that actually splits off a Christ and a devil. Most religions don’t do that, you have to remember what is the nature of the devil – the tempter, the trickster, the shape-shifter. MNC103
That’s how we say Maya – illusion. The illusionist — Satan comes from Shiatan the illusionist. The joker is the devil, the joke is [raps stage] this illusion. See. That’s what the trip is. So you can’t put the devil down, he’s making all this work. You see? Him and Christ together are manifesting the field that allows the manifestation of this [rap, rap] solidity to occur. So you get into Indian cosmology and you can find a whole lot of different sub-godlets carrying pieces of the Satan function, in order to decentralize it a taste. It doesn’t need to be so highly centralized all the time. MNC103
The thing about what you do when you meet the illusionist is, compliment him on the quality of his illusion and he’ll love you for it, and it doesn’t have to be a bad scene. But remember that it’s illusion. Don’t fall for it. Dig the quality of it, but don’t fall for it. Say, “Wow, man, that’s a good movie.” MNC102–103
The way that you tap into the Great Spirit is to relax – and to appreciate it. Appreciate is a word that means “put value into” – to make precious. So make precious these trees that are around us and this grass that we’re sitting on. Make precious the very rocks and the dirt that the grass grows out of. When you expand and become large in yourself, and large in your soul, and you know that you’re a large thing that reaches out a long way, you can tap into the Universal Spirit, to the Divine Ground of All Being, to the One Mind. You can tap right into it just by knowing that it’s there and reaching for it – and it will reach back. That’s how you know you’ve tapped into it, when it reaches back. MNC159
People perceive through one way or another, either being just telepathic on the natch, or through drugs, or through having a religion that works for you and gets you high so you can see things . . . whatever works well. People have always been able to see something besides this happening. Now that thing that they talk about as the land where there’s ghosts or the hereafter or the beyond or something like that is the continuum that goes from thing to no-thing, or Spirit. There’s a continuum that goes through there. One model structure they talk about is earth, Heaven and hell, because you can generally see or be aware of a plane on either side of the one you’re on. There’s a continuing succession of planes, some more hellish than others, some more heavenly than others, but from any given point in that continuum you can see the closest to you. C8NOV70
Spirit is one with God, and everybody’s spirit is one. Like they have the oil wells and they have separate holes that all drill into the same pool, so Spirit is the same pool that we all are. Soul is like our oil well shaft, and the body is like the derrick. It’s all a continuum — it’s how we connect with God. We are apparently separate on the physical plane, but the higher up you get you realize the less difference it makes, and it gets to the point where you see that it makes no difference whatsoever, that we’re all really one. C8NOV70
God gave us His godliness in the form of free will, because that’s His godliness. Right there. He gave that to us, even taking the risk that giving us all free will some of us will choose of our free will not to love God. But it wouldn’t be free will if we didn’t have that choice. So the truth shall make you free. C12NOV70
People say, “Okay, you say you’re hip to Spirit. Now what? What does that do?” Well it changes everything. It changes the whole game board of existence. It makes life an orderly process so that you can, by your actions, make what happens out there be better. You can change yourself, and through that you can change the world. C16NOV70
Here’s what Spirit is: It’s that thing that’s the only thing heavy enough to make a monkey change his mind. Monkeys say they change their mind for patriotism and politics or love of country, but then they trade back and forth a lot, and trade sides and stuff too. C16NOV70
Now, Spirit being defined as the only thing heavy enough to make a monkey change his mind, it seems to me it’s the only thing with a potential of making somebody think that the rest of the universe might be as important as he is. Most people that I’ve met don’t really think that the rest of the universe is quite as important as they are. It’s them and it, and them first. That’s a fairly common sort of an attitude, given this society, culture, and schooling trip. C16NOV70
Most of the things that this college here is about, for instance, are a greed trip — not just this one, but this one sight unseen because it’s a college, because it teaches that kind of linear education, because it teaches that there are things that are conceptual, one step removed from actual reality, that are more important than actual reality. C16NOV70
They teach in Zen Buddhism about the Diamond Jewel in the Lotus — the jewel of reality. When I come to tell you about Spirit, I come to say that reality may be apprehended, that there is an absolute truth, that the only kind of truth is not relative truth. A university is pretty much dedicated to teaching relative truth. C16NOV70
Also I teach, as a subheading of talking about Spirit, that you have free will, and that you can change yourself if you want to. Now most of the psychology and sociology that’s taught in universities is of the brand that says everybody’s so conditioned by their culture and bv their society that they can’t possibly do anything free anyway and that you can’t know all of the factors and so who knows and who cares and run it down that way, and not only say that people are determined but figure out more ways to determine people. C16NOV70
Now we stake our whole way of being on the idea that the spiritual plane is the progenitor of the material plane. We put our faith in God and say the material plane will come out cool for us because we really did put our faith in God. C22NOV70