Contemplation is where you’ve already listened to your subconscious so long that the stuff that’s coming up out of it is pretty cool now. You’re not sitting there trying not to freak out at the contents of your subconscious anymore. You’ve got a reasonably clean head, and you can point it at whatever you want to point it at. You can let your mind go there, and go into a psychedelic state. MNC37
Christian for Samadhi, by the way, is Adoration. Adoration, Samadhi, and Satori are the same thing — and they’re telepathic phenomena. In the Christian tradition you have pictures of the Adoration of the Child, where some people are sitting around looking at a kid, and the kid’s sitting there with power-lines radiating from his head. But it’s not just that one baby; all babies are heavy like that. They just are — and anybody who wants to sit around and pay attention to a baby can get high, while performing the function of Adoration, which is the same as achieving Satori. MNC37–38
You can take a psychedelic, and then you can experience Satori probably, if your karma isn’t too bad. You can probably get kicked right into it for a while, whether you notice it or recognize it or not. It may not even be the part of the trip you enjoy the most. MNC38
Satori or Samadhi are called by a lot of other names. One of them is The Mahamudra — which means “the great symbol” in Sanskrit. It’s symbolic of a lot of things, which is why it’s a great symbol. But one of the things that it’s symbolic of is that very thing of two people becoming one. Jesus said, “Greater love hath no man than that he die for his friend.” If two people are going to become as one, there’s a pretty heavy ego death they have to go through, because becoming one means you have to look at somebody and love them so much that you can say, “I don’t care whether I’m me or you.” You have to really and truly not care which one you are. That means that you have to have an ego death, to die for your friend. If you can die for your friend, and your friend can die for you, you can become as one. MNC38
That’s another thing that Satori is: when two minds can become as one. If you can become as one with one other person, then you can become as one with everybody. But you can just start off with one person. That’s why it’s the great symbol, because although the act of becoming one with another person is miraculous in itself, it’s also symbolic of the greater thing — of becoming one with everyone.
If you look at somebody, and you can tell they really want to get it on with you — they really want to be straight with you, and they’re really trying — they’ll probably look pretty good to you. If you assume their good will and pour out your energy and be as open as you can (thinking, Even if I’ve thought something about you that was uncharitable, even if I’ve thought that I didn’t dig you, and even if I’ve been mad at you, you can look into my head and see everything there is to see, and I’ll look into you that way too.) — then you can become as one and dissolve out all those differences.
When you do that — when you really do it by equalizing your energy with that other person — then you’re automatically in the same circuit with everyone. MNC39
I think that’s what they mean by Christ consciousness — being in telepathic awareness of everyone and with everyone. MNC39
There is a place just on the other side of contemplation where you lose a certain amount of self-awareness on the way through. I consider that to be like the sheep dip that you go through to wash your ego off before you can enter into a high telepathic range. When you go into Satori, it’s like walking into the radio broadcasting room with all the microphones on — and what you think is planetary. Who you are doesn’t matter, and doesn’t need to be put on that channel. That channel’s taking care of other business — all of our karma, for instance. MNC43
You can walk around in Satori, and talk, and be in complete control of your body. I think that anybody who’s been truly stoned a few times moves across Satori every now and then. MNC43
Here’s how it works on the continuum of astral plans: it’s like a puddle that’s been stirred up, and it’s partially settled out, so that the water toward the bottom of the puddle would have more mud in it, and as it got up toward the top of the puddle, the water would be clearer and clearer. The higher you go up in the astral plane – the higher the vibration – the clearer the transmission gets, and the more strength of character and intelligence and will and love are required to get into the higher and clearer places. MNC45
When you get really high and clear, you’re telepathing in very good company. But when you’re just beginning, you have to go through the lower astral plane, and in the lower astral you’re going to run into everybody. Everybody has a subconscious, and the subconscious is their no-no box where people hide things they don’t like, and there you’ll need the old Scotch prayer, which goes “Dear Lord, protect from gillies and ghosties and long-legged beasts that go bump in the night.” To get through it, you just need to understand that there’s a continuum of consciousness. MNC45
Now, Christ consciousness is very high and clear, and you have to be truly altruistic to get high enough to transmit that frequency. We can get there when we’re really stoned, because the stoneder we get the more we can let go of our material ego and our material-plane identity; and the more we start thinking of us as humankind, as us-kind — this thing we’re all one part of – the more our decisions are made for the larger thing. MNC45
If you’re talking to people and you try to tell ’em about a game, and they aren’t interested at all, right? In most folks’ ground rules it’s considered impolite to notice that your conversational partner is neurotic. One thing to do about that was said by Jesus, when he was giving the instructions to the apostles. He told them that when they went into a house, to feel the house, and let their peace descend on the house, and if the house accepts their peace, they’re cool, they can stay there. But if the house rejected their peace they were to go forth from that house and go forth from that town and shake the dust from their feet. He meant that there’s a whole lot of folks aching to know and you shouldn’t bother arguing with somebody that doesn’t want to know. To not cast your pearls before swine doesn’t mean that anyone is a pig, it means don’t cheapen the truth by fighting over it. MNC68
[As to where thought comes from,] in the Tibetan yoga ritual it says, “It is necessary to remember that thought comes from a concatenation of causes.” Your subconscious is like a big pot of oatmeal bubbling, with billions of oats, you know, and sometimes it’s going to bubble up some cinnamon and sometimes, chaff. There are just too many oats to tell which ones might come up. That’s why you have to be able to look at your fount of thought without being freaky about what you see. There’s no telling what caused the thoughts you’re thinking. The Beatles say, “Listen to the color of your dreaming.” That’s the place, looking at that fountain of thought, and just watching the bubbles pop, and don’t worry about them. MNC68–69
Enlightenment is not necessarily what happened to Saul of Tarsus, where a white light from heaven came, smote him between the eyes, knocked him on his can, and he got up and changed his name, man, because it was so heavy he said, Ain’t even that cat no more, I’m somebody else. That’s one kind. But there’s another kind where somebody who’s been sitting zazen with a Zen master for 35 years wonders in his head if he might be in telepathic communication with the master, and the master winks, and it’s just as heavy, so there are all kinds. MNC138–139
When stuff is subconscious where is it sub? Where do you have it stashed? That’s what a whole lot of people worry about. How are you going to do anything about subconscious if it’s sub? But then everything is there in front of you, including God and your subconscious. All the time. Right out front. MNC171
Sometimes I see people undressed, and their clothes leave deep marks on their bod, like a bra or a belt so tight it leaves marks. Well, that’s subconscious right there, because anything you’ve got on you that’s tight enough to do that to you, that you forget it’s doing it to you, is subconscious. MNC171–172
Mind and bod are one. If you’ve got a piece of your mind tied up, you’ve got a piece of your bod tied up. MNC172
The universe comes down positive and negative, half and half, but the way in which you arrange it is up to you. You’re an artist, and that’s your work of art, is how you arrange how the positive and the negative comes down in your life. C5NOV70
Enlightenment is not complicated. Everybody really knows where it’s at. The only reason that all of us don’t do it all of the time is because it’s hard and you have to try. But you can, and everybody knows how. All you have to do is come up on top and tell the truth all the time. C5NOV70
There’s only the sudden school. If you spend twenty years trying to get enlightened, then you’ve been slow in the sudden school. It ain’t the gradual school. C5NOV70
Karma can sometimes be partially expressed as taking a full swing at a golf ball in a tile bathroom. You know, it’s going to get you. Here are some of the ways karma moves on a practical level: Karma can sometimes be described as subconscious phvsical uprightness—like a muscle that you’ve kept tight for so long that you’ve forgotten it’s that way. People have great complexes of that kind of thing. In fact that kind of stuff determines how you look. The expressions on your face are almost more important for how you look than the meat part. People can just change radically by changing that kind of stuff, and that’s subconscious to them, and you can think of karma as stored subconscious on that level … a psychological-physical, psyche-soma level. C8NOV70
Sure, soul can evolve. The whole soul of God evolves. We all evolve together. We live to grow. We’re part of a life cycle. Like there are some kinds of creatures that live in the water and lay their eggs on the land. Well, we’re creatures that live in the spirit world and lay our eggs in the material plane. C8NOV70
The first hallmark [of spiritual enlightenment] is being compassionate. I’ve seen all kinds of psychedelic displays, of folks that could show me colors and things, and folks that were very telepathic and could make lots of stuff happen around them, visually and like that, and some of them have not been cool. The only thing I recognize as being cool is being compassionate and doing your best to help out. C8NOV70
Okay then, the main thing I have to say is that none of us are going to get high until all of us get high and all of us can’t get high while some of us are bringing some of us down. And it doesn’t matter who you bring down, it brings the whole universe down, if you bring a cop down it brings the whole universe down. When I made that kind of realization I began to notice that I could no longer tell the difference between cops and kids, cowboys and Indians, none of that. All homo sapiens — monkeys here on the rock, and if the monkeys on the rock don’t make it, the universe has no attachment. Which means we better shape up, man. That’s mainly what I have to say. C12NOV70
There’s philosophical discussions of free will that say there’s free will and determinism, and they make a dichotomy out of it, and it’s either one or the other. But free will is on a continuum, and the most determined you can be is to be totally subconscious. C12NOV70
Stuff that’s in your subconscious is stuff that you don’t know about that’s changing you — stuff that you’re being determined by. The less subconscious you have, the more free will you have, as you go along. C12NOV70
Well everybody has free will at one point at least, which is, Are you going to straighten up or not? That’s the free will place. C12NOV70
Oh yeah, I’m in love with hundreds and hundreds of people. I’m just completely in love with hundreds and hundreds of people at a time, and I’m always gassed when one of my girl friends gets married.
I’m a householder yogi. A householder yogi is the hard kind. It’s a cop-out to go to a celibate monastery. Life is a puzzle and a riddle, and if you go to that kind of monastery that means, I give up.
The really heavy thing is to try to stay stoned and do good and all that right there in the middle of it… right in with the family, make decisions like what are you going to do about your kids, and what do you do about your old lady. The way of the householder yogi is a hard goer.
I also teach tantric yoga… that you can get high making love. And you’re supposed to be high making love. You can get telepathic and psychedelic making love. The way you do it is to keep at it long enough to build up some juice instead of blowing it for the flash in a couple of minutes. C12NOV70
[I became a teacher because] I felt somebody needed to do that, and I went looking for somebody to do that, and I looked for somebody to do that for years, and I couldn’t find anybody doing that, and I felt somebody ought to be. It’s important. And while I was looking I found that I was doing that a little bit provisionally myself, just waiting until I could find somebody who could do that, and I ended up doing it so much that I was just doing it. C13NOV70
I take it on my own responsibility — on my own karma — anything that I say to anybody, and if I tell you something it’s on the basis of my judgment, and that’s the only thing I can tell it to you about, that’s all I got. C13NOV70
Yes, [I’m saying what I think]. It’s the vision of the third eye is what it is. It means that after taking as much psychedelics and studying in spiritual things as I have that I have some degree of psychedelic vision happening all the time. Have you ever been stoned and looked at somebody and saw into their soul? Well I do that all the time, to a greater or lesser degree, depending on how high I can get under the circumstances. C13NOV70
I think that’s what’s happening in this spiritual revival that’s happening all over the country right now … is the raising of consciousness. I think everybody really knows where it’s at all the time and that the only handhold we in the here and now have on the future is to be groovy in the here and now. So what I teach is how to be groovy in the here and now by understanding the situation so you can work with it intelligently. Now that’s spiritual, you know. Spiritual isn’t like misty or somewhere else. Spiritual is how do we, here and now, work it out as best we can, because this is all we got is here and now. C16NOV70
If a man at all anywhere on the planet will take responsibility to keep Spirit alive for the sake of his fellow monkeys, that’s avatarness doing its thing. So whoever is the avatar is whoever is heaviest and straightest at any given time, and that’s all worked out by the normal laws of field behavior. See, that’s what’s so neat about this particular cosmology is that the normal laws of field behavior just do their thing. C16NOV70
You don’t need to search for the avatar anywhere except right in your heart. Recognize no Buddha outside yourself. The Buddhists say, “if somebody says Buddha, stop your ears,” you know, don’t get self-other with the universe at all. It says in the Christian Bible, “Be still and know that I am God.” That’s what it says. I always thought that the grammatical structure of that sentence was very interesting because that’s the way it appears on the page. So like if you pick up that page and read that sentence out loud, you say, “Be still and know that I am God.” Dig that? Like I would dig it if everybody here would say that with me. I would really like that. BE STILL AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD. Makes a nice high vibration happen…. Jesus Christ said that the members of the Church were his body, and he meant that literally. C16NOV70
There’s only one Church, it’s the material plane, and everybody on the plane is a member of it. You don’t need to hang anything around your neck, your bellybutton does it all. That’s your membership button in that Church Buddha’s Universal Church. Catholic means Universal, All-Embracing. Right? That’s what all those Churches are trying to say is there’s only One. C16NOV70
[Could enlightenment happen to someone who’s not on a psychedelic?] Oh, all the time. It could happen to you while you’re making love, for instance. You know how they used to talk about there was something really magical about the shared orgasm and then it became fashionable to say, “Oh well, what’s the difference.” But there is something really magical about the shared orgasm, and it can be satori — the transmission of mind, just like from a Zen Patriarch to a Zen Patriarch — it can be just that between lovers. That’s what some of the heavy juice behind the great lover thing is about. There is magic in love, right in there, because it’s an ego death. A mutual orgasm is an ego death because both parties have got to let go of their ego or it can’t happen. So long as one of them’s holding on, it’s one of those sexual rip-offs where somebody loses. C16NOV70-2
I was raised in a materialist culture, the culture of the United States. A few of you may have had some kind of a real religious upbringing, but most of you didn’t. As I’ve said before, I managed to go through and get a Master’s degree in creative writing without ever finding out that the statements about Spirit by people like William Blake and John Donne were statements about Spirit, and not just mere poetic metaphors. C22NOV70
And it was my experience with psychedelics which showed me that there was and is another plane of experience other than the material plane which is with us all the time. C22NOV70
And if we don’t be faithful to that other plane, the material plane will fall apart and turn to crap on us. C22NOV70
Now modern science teaches you that matter is first and anything else must descend from matter. C22NOV70
Some modern scientists will even cop to telepathy, but they say it’s a function of the material plane, not that it’s a function of the spiritual plane on the way to the material. C22NOV70
Jesus was asked which came first, the material plane or the spiritual plane, and he said, “I marvel not that everything depends on Spirit, I only marvel that so much riches can have its home in such poverty.” And he meant by that that we who are only different from a lump of dung by a minor chemical change can be a repository for the Holy Spirit, called Jesus Christ, or Lord Buddha, or whatever name from whatever culture that you care to call it — same thing. C22NOV70
Here’s about how to see third-eye vision. How many people here have seen auras, raise your hands, would you? See. that’s quite a few folks here who’ve seen auras. Let me try another thing. How many have been into seeing auras when you weren’t on psychedelics, would you raise your hand? Oh, that’s pretty good. Like it’s really easy to see them when you’re stoned. C22NOV70
Here’s the thing, you can’t let the power freak you out if you’re going to use it, because you can see into men’s souls. You can see right into people’s souls. And if you can be compassionate and not revolted by anything you see so you can give people just, exact, unemotional information on the nature of their subconscious, you can help them become more sane. C22NOV70
Sometimes when I’m talking to somebody and telling them what I see in their head, I see them get better-looking word by word as I hip them to it, just watch them across the board get prettier. If you can help somebody’s subconscious be conscious, that’s bringing their soul out of hell. It’s a heavy responsibility. C22NOV70
Some people get a little bit of vision and go, “Oh yark! Everybody’s so filthy.” Well. you too, brother, all of us. We’ve all got a little funky subconscious here and there now and then, but it can be got out, if you’ve got friends you can trust. C22NOV70
If you had the vision, you can have it again. It’s a groove, you know. Go ahead and do it, but don’t get hung up in it. The major thing is being on the money in the here and now. Don’t go seeking psychic phenomena. Astral desires hang you up as bad as physical desires. C22NOV70
And where we here are timebound, your Higher Self is eternal and is in eternity, which is to say a non-space/time place. You can know that you have another self that’s a part of this self, that you can communicate with, that’s eternal, and that this one is going to moulder up and you’ll eventually get done with it sooner or later and it’ll fall apart like an old schoolbus. But there’s another part that doesn’t do that because it doesn’t have to follow the laws of time and space like rot and entropy. C29NOV70
If you be in too much of a hurry you run out from under your Higher Self, and if you don’t try hard enough you don’t connect with it. But if you have real faith, and if you really move on out behind it, you can connect so that when you move, you move with the strength of the universe. If you’re swimming across the Mississippi, it’s you and the Mississippi, but if you’re swimming with it, you are the Mississippi. C29NOV70
It’s that way with your Higher Self, if you don’t come into contact with it you’re just one more tripper here on the planet, using up a certain amount of oxygen, needing a certain amount of square-foot ground to bury your crap in. C29NOV70
Now people have known about the Higher Self and how to be in touch with it for thousands and thousands of years. It used to be that we were never out of touch with it. I think we were in touch with it all the time, and I think what they call the fall of man is getting loose from being in touch with it. C29NOV70
If I’m in conversation with somebody and I need to be able to tell them something right now because it’s going to make them know something, then sometimes some kind of a little thought structure or something will come into my consciousness for my use, like a tool being handed to me, and I’ll look at it and I’ll say, Man, it took a long time to build that thing. Nobody knew I needed one of those but for about half a second, and here I get this thing laid on me and it’s been maybe months in the making. Something is keeping track and is on deck and is taking care of business and handing me that kind of thing when I need it that I don’t even know about, that I don’t even be in conscious control of, except insofar as I try to follow all the rules put down by all the teachers and all the philosophers about how you get in contact with that. C29NOV70
We talk about the Golden Mean—that if you’re unintegrated in your personality, if you’re not in contact with your Higher Self, then everything you’re trying to do, you’re also doing the opposite at the same time, if you’re not integrated you can’t do anything, because anything you do, the opposite will also happen to the same extent the laws of action and reaction that take place are part of the material plane. C29NOV70
But if you’re straight with your Higher Self, everything that you try to do is backed up by the power of your Higher Self, your Father in Heaven, the universe, and you can make real change happen. You can make change happen that doesn’t change back. You can make change happen that’s not just apparent change. C29NOV70
Now it’s fairly easy to get to where you’re integrated like any time that you and your old lady have got off well and you came off at the same time and you dropped it to her and she dropped it to you and you split your energy, you’re pure right there and you’re in touch with your Higher Self and anything you do right then is perfect. C29NOV70C29NOV70
But if you forget and fall back into your old habits and forget that you were in a perfect place and that you were a perfect being, you slide back out of it again, so a lot of the teachings are just about how to not forget that you’re a perfect being, because if you forget it you make mistakes, if you don’t forget it you don’t make mistakes. C29NOV70
If you can say that there’s something in me that is identical with all that, and by “identical” mean that it is the same, and don’t ever forget that, you can stay plugged into that. And if you forget and say, “I’m weak and evil and ain’t cool, I’m afraid,” like that, you pull your plug and cut loose from your energy — and then you’ll just be slipping your clutch. That’s what it’s like when you lose it with your Higher Self — you keep trying, you keep pushing, you keep struggling, but nothing happens. You wonder, “Wow, man, where did I get unconnected?” C29NOV70
I’ve had a few experiences coming out of a dream into out-of-body states…. [It was a definite] sensation of mobile center of consciousness. I don’t seek that kind of stuff a great deal because I think what you do is seek for enlightenment — the highest you can get — and then you get into more access to that kind of stuff as you go along. But if you hang up on the phenomena, it may bar you from getting higher.