[Stephen was S.I. Hayakawa’s teaching assistant at San Francisco State College, and his students told him that in order to be taken more seriously, he needed to go watch A Hard Day’s Night.] [Just as they had planned, I fell in love with John Lennon, recognized the power of youth as represented by the hippies, and started out on my own hippy path. 2005 ] MNC8
[I consider myself to be an ethnic hippy. By that I mean that the ethnicity I grew up with was such a white bread, skim milk, gringo experience that it wasn’t satisfying for me. It had no moxie. Now, being a hippy, that’s another thing. I feel like the Sioux feel about being from the Lakota Nation, I feel like Mario Cuomo feels about being Italian. It makes me feel close with Jews and Rastafarians. I have a Tribe, too. I know that the hippies were preceded by the beatniks, the bohemians, the free-thinkers, Voltaire and so on, back to Socrates and the Buddha, but the wave of the revolution that spoke to me was the hippies. And rock and roll lights my soul and gives a beat to the revolution. 2005 ] MNC12
[“Into the juice” is a hippy technical term. It means that you aren’t into any of the people or events that are going on around you except as sources of energy for the taking. The person who selfishly hogs up this energy is “into the juice.” 2005] MNC23