[Stephen reads from a newpaper article: “Telepathy via the electromagnetic field is possible in theory over any distance, Kogan said in a paper given at a symposium,” etc.] If you admit to making one telepathic communication, if you say one signal goes between two human beings, from that one signal, even if it’s only a feeling, you can derive the entire rest of religion and metaphysics. If a human being has an electromagnetic field, and another human being has an electromagnetic field, and if you can send one thought between them, then you are stuck, whether you like it or not, at that point with a group field, a vector-resultant field, composed of these two people’s fields. If you have a vector-resultant field composed of two people’s fields, you may not stop at that point until you have included the other four and a half billion people on the planet in the field. MNC55,57–58
The directions … on the manipulation, receiving, and transmission of the electromagnetic field by the use of your own body and mind … come from Hermes the Thrice Maestic, who was the real-life magician who was the germ for the Greek god Hermes…. He left a set of principles, the seven-wrench tool kit for dismantling the universe, called The Emerald Tablet of Hermes. He’s talking about spiritual-electromagnetic vibrations, talking in terms of wave crest and trough and that kind of idea. MNC55,57
The first principle has already been said by the Beatles: “It’s all in the mind, you know.” Principle One is the principle of mentalism, that it is “all in the mind.”MNC58
Principle Two is the principle of correspondence, “As above, so below.” It says that it is legitimate that you can go from what it’s like to be a man to what it’s like to be God, and that that is a legitimate analogy…. If you use the principle of correspondence, “As above, so below,” you can activate a circuit in your mind of a certain shape and then magnify it to the macrocosm and see how it works. You can make a circuit be a certain shape, put the energy to it, and then magnify or shrink it, and it’s a way of getting from level to level without using the stairs. The principle of correspondence also works in Christian terms and is in the Lord’s prayer: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” MNC58–59
Principle Three is the principle of vibration, which is to say that everything in the universe is in vibration. But we were already hip to that. Heisenberg told us. All of the good physicists back around the turn of the century found out for us that everything was in vibration, although Hermes knew it some thousands of years ago. MNC59
Principal Four is polarity. That’s to say that there is positive and negative. In algebra, there is positive and negative, and in electricity if you haven’t got positive and negative you haven’t got any electricity at all. If you don’t have positive and negative numbers, you don’t have any algebra. If you don’t have positive and negative illusion, you don’t have any world to live in. All of the positive and all of the negative is completely committed, and the results of the commitment of all positive and all negative is the material plane. [Knocks on wood.] That’s the result of that. MNC59
Principal Five is the principle of rhythm. Now the laws almost start to double up on themselves because the principal of rhythm is the principle of vibration at the level of macrocosm. Vibration in the microcosm is rhythm in the macrocosm, right? It’s just another vibration trip, only at another level. MNC59
Principal Six is the principle of cause and effect, sometimes called karma, or in Christian terms, “As ye sow, so shall ye reap.” MNC59
Principal Seven is of gender. The maleness and femaleness extends throughout the universe; it’s always with us. MNC59
Except for the principle of mentalism, the other six principles can be derived from the symbol of the yang and the yin. It’s a circle with a sine wave across it. It’s of two different colors, which is the principle of polarity. The sine wave makes it the principle of vibration. MNC59
[If being telepathic got to be popular,] if that got to be a new fad it would be very interesting, because the only way you could join in on the fad would be to go in and shovel out the communications room. That’s the subconscious. For too long, the culture has taught us that the subconscious is the garbage dump instead of the communications room. Upon learning that there is such a thing as a communications room, and that we all have one, and that it’s just in there behind all the beer cans and orange juice packages and stuff, you can just shovel right on in and dig it out. MNC61
Out in the woods I got to see how large a territory of mind that mind should expect. It is nice and quiet. And most of what you hear, except the wind itself, is from life. Like a hoot-owl is a pretty heavy animal – it integrates about a square mile. Every time a hoot owl goes “hoot,” every living thing in a square mile knows that. And as they say about synchronicity, we’re all in here together. We all heard that hoot-owl together, and we all know that same thing, and if we all know the same thing, then we know what each other knows. MNC159
We should be able to work together and hand each other all the right tools all the time without even talking. We really should – because if everybody is paying attention to the situation, everybody knows what’s needed all the time, and it comes up automatically, and you don’t have to ask for it. You can just admit that you know what’s going on, cop to it, be responsible for it, and help it out if it needs help. MNC162
We’re going to exchange energy anyway, one way or the other, so let’s don’t fight. Let’s just get down to exchanging the energy, because humankind has got to exchange energy with itself on some kind of honest basis. It keeps the spirit alive. Mankind has enough of a quorum on this planet that thinks it’s still groovy to keep doing it. Dig what I mean? There’s got to be enough people who think this planet’s groovy to bother doing it. MNC184
As long as you do it “us and them,” you’re stuck. As long as you call it “us and them,” you’ve had it. If you say, “we” don’t make it, then you can work it out. If you call it “us and them,” it’s harder to get “them” to cooperate than “us.” Basically, it’s all “us” from in front. MNC185–186
What we are doing is raising our kids so they are honest and not bullies or liars so they will grow up to be human beings who can be trusted to be in public office without being liars and bullies. That’s a lot of what we’re doing. A lot of what we’re doing is trying to deepen and widen ways that we communicate with other people because the more that we can make that communication – the more that load is carried – because one man can’t say it all. One man can’t say it all. Everybody has to say it, all the time. MNC187
The point is, on the physical plane, it’s only a matter of agreement. It’s easy. Anything can be done on the physical plane that people agree to. Any system is groovy if the people in it are groovy, if the people are sane doing it in the system you’re under, if the people in it are straight and honest and groovy. MNC187
Humankind is in a tight way. They are stronger than they are smart. That’s all that’s wrong with this monkey is that he’s stronger than he is smart. MNC188
I’ve been saying all these months that we won’t make it unless everybody makes it, and everybody has been saying, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” And I say, “You don’t make it unless everybody makes it,” and everybody says, “Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Okay – you don’t make it unless everybody makes it. [Several hundred people answer at once: Yeah yeah yeah!] MNC188
After I was turned toward Spirit, the first thing I found out that blew my mind was that telepathy was real. That was the first thing, because I went into mind communication with people. Then I realized from that, that all the rest of that stuff has got to be true too, because religion is the wiring diagram of the way human energy is moved to relate with the universe. C31OCT70
Here’s what we have found over a long period of time, that we can interact in such a way that we can all find out what we need to know… that as we sit here like this we’re a group mind. C31OCT70
Now here’s the thing about telepathy: Telepathy is people’s electrical fields being able to sense each other. See, everyone has an electrical field surrounding him, because part of your equipment’s electrical and anything electrical has a field around it. We call that field an aura. You know, you see religious pictures with people with light around their heads and stuff? That’s an aura. Also if you’ve taken some psychedelics you’ve probably seen auras. C31OCT70
And if two people’s fields can merge in that fashion, then everybody’s field can. One person’s field overlaps with another’s. It’s not that you’re there and your field comes out like this. Your field is large enough to fill this room. So think that each person here’s field is large enough to fill up this whole room, and that we have this many people’s electrical energy superimposed, one on top of the other. There’s a pretty strong fabric of consciousness here. C31OCT70
Love is a word that has a denotation, a real meaning, and that meaning is, when the electrical field between people is charged with their energy so that there’s a high level of body telepathy between them, so that they can feel each other, is being in love. That’s the technical thing. It’s really real, and you can tell. I know people that to just walk up and stand beside them just turns me on, makes me feel good. They have a strong compassion thing, a lot of love. I really do a lot of love with those folks. We’re doing a lot of love here. For this many of us to be this close together and this groovy puts out a pretty strong field. Living in love I think is just meeting everybody you meet straight on. C31OCT70
[Is messing up a draft board being compassionate for one’s brother?] No, if you go in and tear up somebody’s thing it’s going to blow their mind and wreck their head, and that means that there’s one more wrecked head that we’ve got to pick up, because we aren’t going to be cool until we pick up all the wrecked heads, it doesn’t matter whose they are. We ain’t going to be cool until we get everybody cool and sane. C31OCT70
There’s no final enlightenment until everybody can get off. You can only go so far, and then you’ve got to stop and help everybody get off, and that means everybody. C31OCT70
So it’s immoral to mess up folks’ heads — anybody’s. I try to leave everybody’s head a little better than I found it, it doesn’t matter who he be. C31OCT70
People don’t hurt people that they know well, so just make yourself know everybody well and let them know you well. Be wide open. Don’t hide anything and don’t act like you’re superior to them a little bit or anything. Get right in there with them, and if you do that they’ll have compassion with you, and if they have compassion with you they can’t hurt you; they won’t want to, they won’t want to hurt anybody. C31OCT70
We make a lot of difference: There’s a string of hundreds and hundreds of cops halfway across this continent who are well-disposed toward the next long-hair they meet, because the last two hundred of them they met were a groove. And we’re going all the way around the country doing that — trying to get other folks to do it too, because if we can build enough individual human bonds of love and trust, we can raise the whole love-trust thing for the whole country and for the whole world, and it’s really necessary that it be done. C31OCT70
I can report to somebody what they’re doing to me without me being violent about it. The reason you aren’t supposed to be angry is like you’re not supposed to throw matches out into the dry grass. It’s the same reason, because if you be angry you put out anger vibes and the folks around you — anybody around you who doesn’t believe in telepathy, for instance, which may be a bunch of folks — has to feel your anger vibe and has no choice but to identify it as their own, them not believing in telepathy. Somebody can throw an anger trip and get a whole bunch of folks angry around him. So that’s not acceptable, obviously. That screws up the system for everybody. C5NOV70
Christ said that his body was the members of the Church. As an individual human being has a field, mankind has a field, and an individual human being’s field can be called then soul. See, you’ve got body, soul and Spirit, not just two, but three, and the soul is the electrical part surrounding you, and there’s an electrical part surrounding all of mankind too, and that’s the soul of Christ. That’s the matrix, that’s the tapioca pudding that we’re all tapiocas in. And then there’s the Spirit, which is just… the One. C31OCT70
I believe that when a baby comes into the world that he’s perfectly telepathic and a perfect Buddha and in better command of the situation than anybody around, and that he’s only taught to fall from perfection by his parents’ bad habits, and that if parents didn’t give their children any bad habits they’d stay perfect, and that you can get back to purity, and the way to it is to discover what is the unconditioned monkey. The footsteps of the Buddha and of the unconditioned monkey are the same. C8NOV70
What we’re really here for tonight is communion. That means when a bunch of monkeys come together and they’re going to be together and relax and let their things all hang out. It’s okay if we be quiet for a while now and then. It lets us get smarter, so the next thing will be a better thing anyway. C12NOV70
The first time I ever found out about energy was with the use of psychedelics. Here and now I don’t think everybody is stoned on psychedelics, but it seems to be very stoned. The way we be stonedest best together is if we each one take responsibility for our own share of the vibration. C12NOV70
What I’m doing now is like housework for our group head — getting this head integrated so it’ll be like all one head and then it’ll be a smart head. One of the heaviest things going is about the nature of attention. Attention is energy — just an equal sign in there — attention is energy. So when you pay attention to me here and now you’re giving me juice — giving me energy – and with that energy I’m supposed to do what I can with it in some way to make it come back to you in a way that’s a learning thing for all of us. C12NOV70
Nobody is higher than anybody else, we’re all on the same altitude, because we all got one group head whether we cop to it or not. If you have a bunch of people sitting in a room all doing separate trips, some of them reading magazines, some of them listening to the radio, they’re still a group head, that’s just how they divide themselves up on the material plane. C13NOV70
Now the thing is, anybody who’s curious about any of these things I say is supposed to raise their hand at any point and say, “Hey, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” or something like that, because if you’re sitting there and you don’t know what’s happening. you’re subconscious in this group head. This is a group I and a group head responds the same way an individual head does. Noncommunication among the members of a group head is the same thing as schizophrenia in an individual head. That goes for this group. This here college is a group head. This here country is a group head. C16NOV70
We’ve been out on the road six or seven weeks in this caravan, but in a way we’ve been out on the road for a longer time than that. I’ve been having meetings in San Francisco for about five years now. And we started off not knowing much, but knowing that there was something besides the material-plane meat part of existence. When we first got the class together we were like a research instrument, and we read everything we could on religion, magic, superstition, ecology, extra-sensory perception, fairy tales, collective unconscious, folkways, and math and physics. C8DEC70
And we began finding things out as we went along about the nature of the mind. We found out that people are telepathic a lot of the time. even when they may not think they are…. And as we kept on studying that and finding out what was that about, we said there’s probably got to be some kind of a best system that you can run this kind of a thing on that works good for everybody, because immediately certain kinds of things come to mind. What if somebody comes and looks in your head and you’re not ready for them to. Suppose you didn’t make up the bed and the dishes are dirty. What does it feel like if you’ve got something in your head that you’re afraid somebody’s going to find out about. How do you be with people when you all share the same head. What about a political science for a territory with no boundaries, nonspace/time. We also saw that it was not that some people could get other people’s heads, it was that some people couldn’t hardly help getting other people’s heads, considering their various states of sanity. And we used to, way back, think of ourselves like the George Washingtons and the Thomas Jeffersons of the telepathic plane who were going to hammer out a Constitution. C8DEC70
We started putting this thing together, and then it started getting recognizable as the pieces fell in. And we saw that it looked just like Christianity, and it looked just like Buddhism, and it looked just like every religion, because that’s what a religion is. Actually religion is re-legion: people coming together again. C8DEC70
That’s how I got to be a teacher; in the process of working out what we worked out, I got to a place where I’d give advice on how to trip, and then I found out life was a trip. Then I had to give advice on how to live. C8DEC70